A Day of Reflection

When I look back over my life, I see how far I've come in these past two years and I am so thankful for the new life God has given me. I have rediscovered "ME". Every day I wake up and I thank the big guy for my gift--a second chance to live. 

This new outlook on life has affected not only me but others around me. It's been like a chain reaction of good-good vibrations (Beach Boys pun intended). I truly believe that when we spread love and positive energy, it causes others to do just the same.  As each day progresses into yet another, every human being cannot help but touch another. The world is a small place.  And it's easy to sit and think about what we don't have and dream of all those material things we desire. But it's a much healthier way of thinking to instead see all of the wonderful things we have been blessed with. 

If we woke up than that's a great day. If we can breathe a little easier, see and taste; if we feel love rather than hate than that's a reason to celebrate. There are so many in this world, who don't have the simple things in life; be it they struggle with the shackles of poverty or abuse.  So, it's important to see, really see the tiny things in life. Most of which are freely given to us. They don't cost a cent.  They're there for the poor and rich man alike.

Sure, I want a better car. I want a motorcycle and a new home.  I will admit I do think about material things, from time to time, but living is much more important. Will I have those material things one day? Maybe--maybe not. But if I don't, it's OK.  I'm alive. I have a purpose and I have value--we all do. We just need to see it and believe it--know it. 

So many walk through life blinded. Though they have the gift of physical sight they see nothing.  I beg of you to not allow yourself to be blind to the beauty around you. Even when I was 600 plus pounds, living in Ocean City, Maryland, I would drive to the boardwalk and sit in my car (I could not walk far) and admire the beauty around me. Was I angry, pissed even? YES! But I forced myself to "see".  Though I was living in Hell, I knew life was basically good. If only I could open my eyes and allow my anger to subside enough, I knew I would see again. Now when I see people not seeing, I want to grab them and shake them awake but I know I can't--not without getting arrested. So, I keep smiling. Whenever possible I show love to others and I spread positive energy as much as I can.  In doing this, I feel better. 

When I have a bad day--yes, I do have them--I work hard to snap free from that fog of negativity. I refocus on all the good in my life, like the new and special people who make me smile; understand me and see all the wonderful things in life that I see. If we try hard enough, we can find the good.  

How about you? Do you focus on the negative and see only the things you don't have? I lived in my own Hell for many years. I understand what it feels like to feel trapped inside your own body. That sadness you're feeling took me down more and more, and in the end, it almost took my life. I understand you--you are me, I am you. I get it. But life doesn't have to be like this for you.

Over these past two years, I have refocused.  When I look at life, I see only the good.  This is the attitude I "choose" to have everyday, the uplifted spirit I will continue to have until my last day on earth.  I've had enough of HELL, the Devil can keep it. And I'm here to say, you too can choose how you look at your life. Do you see only your weight? Are you focused on merely your food addictions and bad habits? Do you only see the bad in life and in people? Well stop it! Make a decision today to focus on something good. We all have something to be thankful for, be it your child, a friend, a job. Focus on that and get out of that negative state of mind. When you do that, you will finally see the road to recovery so much clearer. Its there, can you see it? All you have to do is choose to see, and most importantly, take that first step (Wink). 

Love and big hugs to all of you....PEACE

1 comment:

  1. I have been struggling a lot over my life and I'm washed out yet again. Thank you for your thoughts and insight - I'm trying to stay positive and share love
