The In & Outs : Cheat Days


Happy spring! I don't know about you but I sure am ready for summer. What I'm not ready for is my summer thong--cough!--not just yet. Frankly that day will never come, but that's a whole other blog. LOL.

 However, after these long months of solitude, thanks to Covid, I am back in the gym, working towards personal goals, as well as extracting the extra pounds that staying home bestowed on me. And If you're like me, it's possible you too have gained some weight from 2020 to 2021.

 No worries! We can get it off--together.

  I'm going back to the basics, back to my early food rituals, when only good foods were allowed. And we know how to do this--why? Well, I've been blogging about it for many years now, but a little refresher couldn't hurt; for me as well as everyone else, so let's run over the details.

   First, we're going to eat only fresh foods, shop only in the outside aisles of our grocery stores. Second, no foods in boxes, can's or bags. Yes this means no bread. No cereal. No alcohol. If it's stocked in the middle aisle of our grocery stores, we aren't going to eat it. Simple, right? LOL. I know. I know. But it does really work.  

 This way of eating is often called "the caveman" or "Paleo" regimen. I've use this formula to help detox, as well as assess my relationship with food. How does it work? Whenever I feel like food is an emotional crutch, and the weight is slowly creeping back, I go Paleo and reset. If I can not release my frustration at the gym, as was true in 2020, and I feel soft and weak, I go Paleo. And because I'm an emotional eater, I do not view this as a diet, rather it's a method that helps to keep my bad habits in check. I've relied on Paleo during my enter journey, even in the beginning, as a way to boost metabolism or control that which tempts me. 

 It works for me. And I believe it can work for others.

 At the start, I eat Paleo for a minimum of 30 days. If, within those 30 day's, I loose 2-3 pounds of unwanted weight a week, then and only then, will I incorporate a "cheat day" to my schedule. That's one day, not an entire weekend. And on this day, I will eat one cheat meal and one snack. This is not a free pass to gorge all day--though my alter ego will try to convince me to do just that--it simply means I can have a cheese burger or some chips, maybe an ice cream. Then, on the next day, I go back to Paleo; rinse and repeat, until a good mind set returns, where I'm in control and food is not!

 Now, if 30 days pass with no weight improvement, the cheat day is delayed for another 30 days. When I was 650 pounds, I did not allow myself a cheat day until I had lost 100 pounds, and that took many months. So, set a goal for those cheat days, and stick to it. 

 For those of us with an unhealthy food relationship, we must be careful with these cheat days and keep to a regimen. These days can easily become a cheat weekend, then five day's, until it's a seven day a week cheat and so forth. I've done this! And all I can advise you is to expect your alter ego--you know the annoying dude watching over your shoulder?--to try and convince you this behavior is perfectly fine. If your alter ego is not well leashed, do not tempt the beast.

 Now, when I enjoy a cheat day, I allow myself a real hamburger with all the dressing and cheese. If you are going to cheat, don't hold the cheese or skip the fries; this one meal will not hurt you. If you want ice cream for your snack, do not get low fat! If you want a Coke, do not get diet! Just eat it, drink up, and enjoy. Besides, I'm of the belief that the junk they put in the low-fat this and the diet-that have so many bad ingredients, they are by far worse--so, why bother?  Just enjoy what you want on your one day, and feel good about it when it's over. 

For years, Paleo has been the miracle that helps to keeps me in check, and I go back to it time and time again. So, because I found it so useful, I started a Pinterest thread dedicated to Paleo and other like minded eating, like Gluten Free, Power foods and such. So, if you're looking for tips, come by and see my Paleo board here...and pin-away!

 I hope it helps you as it has me.

 And remember: I'm not a doctor, I have no certificate, no plaque on my wall; what I share with you, I share because it helped me to control my demons and loose more than 300 pounds. I use many of these tips and formulas to this day, as a maintaining tool.

 Where diet and exercise is concerned, I will always encourage you to seek the advice of a medical professional prior to trying a new regimens. And above all; never give up fighting for YOU.

WE are worth it.

Ps: If you have questions, please leave them in the comment field below, and I will try to help. For more tips on Paleo, it's spelled out in my Paleo Pinterest board here.