I, like most of you, spend more than an average amount of time on Facebook. I share my life with the world with the hope that my past struggles may help another to start a life changing journey, and though I try to stay positive and inspirational, I too have my down-days. Those days when you're wondering, what's it all about, why is life so difficult?
Recently, I had just such a day. I was down, questioning God, though I should know better by now. I just wasn't feeling like that positive guy most know me to be. But because I take what I do, which is to inspire others, seriously, I signed on to Facebook and tried to post a positive message for the day. Gloomy persona and all, I just wasn't feeling it. However, I refuse to take part in what I like to call Facebook Reality TV, so, there I sat.
I had nothing to say. ME! The one who could talk to a stranger about chocolate milk for two hours had NOTHING to say. Clearly, it was I who needed a little love and a little positive something thrown at me that day. And as I was sitting there, two seconds away from writing "Yeah, I've got nothing, have a great day," something special did happen.
A little red number "1" lit up my Facebook message box.
When I needed it most--isn't God's cool that way?--I got a message from a wonderful young lady named Michelle, who shared some very nice words with me. She touched me, made me feel good. Thank you Michelle, I needed that! And though this might seem like a strange place to post my thank-yous, THANK YOU. To all of you who send me such kind messages, I want you to know that they do inspire me and keep me focused. From time to time, we all need to be uplifted. We all need to feel that human bond that comes by helping one another. By caring and seeing, as I often post, the beauty all around us.
We will have those days when we have to choose to see it, as it may not come naturally. We're human. IT HAPPENS.
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Proof that I wasn't always a large fella! (wink) |
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