It's nothing for me to chat up complete strangers. While engaged, I don't realize that I'm holding up those with me. I'm just talking. I'm not thinking about how bored out of their minds my friends or family are as they listen to Dan ramble on about nothing--again. My focus is on that stranger in front of me.
Where are they from? What is their story? Can I inspire them, make them smile? Can they inspire me? The questions seem endless and the draw to chat is too hard to resist--so, I don't. I guess you can say, I have the gift of gab. It runs in my family, starting with my mother. Yup, she's that lady you sit next to on a bench, and before you know it, she's talking to you like she's known you for years. And you know that moment when you ask yourself, "Is she talking to me?", and then before you realize it, you're telling her your life story--that's mom!
In keeping with the family tradition, I go to the mall, grab my large black coffee, and wait for that unexpected person to take a seat. When they do, nine times out of ten, I will start the conversation. Once they get over the "who are you talking to?" shock, they will start to share their life with me. I'm a good listener. Sure, sometimes the topic is deep; maybe too deep for a Sunday afternoon, but most times it's light and interesting. Communication is good. It feels good to connect and feed off one another.
We don't talk enough in this world today. Of course, there are some rules that should also be followed. Like, number one: Don't talk politics. Number two: Don't talk religion. Especially not religion! That topic is taboo, which is OK with me. I hate politics and religion, but I love God and life. (Oh my, I'm getting off topic, so, back to this gift of gab thing.)
As you can see, this blog page is perfect for me. I can chat away and talk about anything I want, like I'm doing right now!!!! It's not pertinent that I speak about anything heavy or deep. I can just be friendly, which is the point as this world can be very cold at times.
Now, it seems, this gift of gab stuff has given me quite a reputation. More than once, I have been late to events and or appointments because I'm far too busy solving the world's problems to be watching the clock. Suddenly, I look down to my watch and realize--OMG--I'm late! And as I'm rushing, but not speeding over the speed limit, to where I'm supposed to be, I'm worrying that so and so is going to be upset with me. Then I get there and find out that the person waiting isn't upset at all. In fact, they expected me to be late. Yep, it seems this gift of mine precedes me. Apparently--and this was news to me--it's well known in my friend circle that if you're in a hurry, you don't make eye contact with Dan. Go figure!
And, believe it or not, this gift of gab can even back fire on me too. For instance, I too have those day's when I'm that guy in a hurry, when I'm racing around and before I know it, some "other" gifted-gab-er (no we aren't marked for easy avoidance but maybe we should be) grabs me and settles in for a chat. You know how it works; it's usually that little old lady, the one who wants to tell you about her kitty cat or the new medicine that's giving her gas. (Did I just go there?) How can I say no to someones grandma? I can't, so, there I sit listening and--yup, you guessed it--I'm late again!
So what's the moral of this little rambling blog today? Slow down, talk to people. Life goes by so fast and we miss a lot by not communicating with one another. Take your time. (Guys--I didn't tell you that!) And even if you're in a hurry, stop and give a little hello or how are you to another person. It goes a long way to someone who's hurting or down.
Can ya feel me my brothers and sisters? (Looking at my watch) Oh crud, now I've been chatting for so long, I'm late for my doctor's appointment! (Wink)
Gotta run......PEACE
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